Sale of Tyres Terms and Conditions

TyresOnlineStore.com is owned by DRIFT TYRES LLC, a corporation founded in Dubai in the year 2020. DRIFT TYRES LLC publishes and manages the website on the internet’s World Wide Web, with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) www.tyresonlinestore.com.

The phrase ‘Conditions’ refers to the terms and conditions of the internet site through which tyres are sold and installation services are given.

The term “Contract” refers to the sales and purchase agreements for the goods included in the customer’sĀ Order Placement and Purchase Orders.

The term ‘Customer’ refers to a person or an individual who has accepted an offer to purchase items from TyresOnlineStore.com.

The phrase ‘Customer’s Order’ refers to a customer’s request to purchase a product through the TyresOnlineStore.com website by completing the ordering process, which includes submitting a form and following the TyresOnlineStore.com site’s hypertext links.

The word ‘Sale’ refers to the items and services provided by DRIFT TYRES LLC through the TyresOnlineStore.com website to sell and install tyres through TyresOnlineStore.com’s third-party installation service providers.

The term ‘Goods’ refers to the tire products, installation services, or tire parts that are displayed on TyresOnlineStore.com by the terms and conditions.

The phrase ‘Confirmation of Order’ refers to the process of receiving written confirmation of an order to deliver the goods displayed on TyresOnlineStore.com and acceptance of the Customer’s Order. The order confirmation is sent via electronic mail, cable, telex, facsimile transmission, or other similar modes of communication.

The term ‘Force Majeure’ refers to any uncertain condition such as an explosion, flood, tempest, lightning strike, fire, accident, war or threat of war, disturbance in civil society, restriction of laws and regulations, strike or prohibition, or any kind of industrial action such as lockouts, embargoes, export prohibition, political or industrial movement, trade disputes (involving TyresOnlineStore.com employees or third-party service providers).

1. Purchase Terms and Conditions

1.1 According to the terms and conditions of sale, customers purchase items and services from TyresOnlineStore.com by the ‘Customer’s Order’ and ‘Order Confirmation’ terms and conditions. The terms established for ‘Customer’s Order’ and ‘Order Confirmation,’ by which any offer can be made or refused by the customer, will govern the relationship between TyresOnlineStore.com and the Customer.

1.2 By opting to buy products and services from TyresOnlineStore.com, the customer acknowledges that the website content, text, price list, item descriptions, and other product literature displayed on the TyresOnlineStore.com website serve as an invitation to buy rather than an offer or binding obligation on TyresOnlineStore.com to sell the product to the customer.

1.3 No alteration in the terms and conditions shall be included in the conditions and shall not be considered as agreed to be binding unless and until the terms and conditions are acknowledged in writing by the customer or an authorized representative of the customer and TyresOnlineStore.com.

1.4 TyresOnlineStore.com employees and agents are not entitled to present any information about the firm, product, or product parts unless TyresOnlineStore.com has permitted them. The customer understands that after entering into a contract with TyresOnlineStore.com, the company does not confirm any representations or confirmations.

1.5 Unless the recommendations for the storage, installation, or use of goods offered by agents, employees, or even TyresOnlineStore.com are in writing, TyresOnlineStore.com will consider such confirmations invalid and will not be obligated to validate the information provided.

1.6 TyresOnlineStore.com will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no such error, miscommunication, or misrepresentation occurs on their part; however, any typographical errors, clerical mistakes, other errors, or omitted errors in sales literature, product and service prices, website content, invoicing details, other documentation, or product information published by TyresOnlineStore.com will be subject to correction without liability on TyresOnlineStore.com’s part.

1.7 The stock of TyresOnlineStore.com is updated every week. If tyres are out of stock but still appear on our website, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund if you have already placed an online or offline order.

2. Offers Conditions

2.1 Any order placed by a client will not be considered fully processed by TyresOnlineStore.com until the customer provides an ‘Order Confirmation.

2.2 Customer is responsible for ensuring that the order details are correct and properly submitted by the Customer, as well as providing any additional information requested by TyresOnlineStore.com related to the products or services, for TyresOnlineStore.com to process the order within the timeline and contact the customer if necessary, as per the terms and conditions.

2.3 The product quality and quantity will be by the standard information supplied in the Order Confirmation.

2.4 TyresOnlineStore.com reserves the right to make changes to the product, specs, pricing, designs, or description without prior notification. TyresOnlineStore.com reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time if the laws change.

2.5 Any order placed by the customer will not be automatically canceled by TyresOnlineStore.com unless the customer provides written confirmation. Otherwise, the buyer would be responsible for all losses incurred as a result of the cancellation, including lost profits, labor, materials, shipment, damages, charges, and other expenses.

2.6 There will be no extra discounts or offers available on the TyresOnlineStore.com website.

3. Pricing Conditions for Goods

3.1 DRIFT TYRES LLC will determine the price of items and services displayed on the website TyresOnlineStore.com, as well as order confirmation. If no price is specified in the order confirmation, the price list in effect on the website TyresOnlineStore.com at the time of purchase confirmation shall be used to determine the conditions.

3.2 TyresOnlineStore.com has full authority to change the prices of the items and services displayed on the website:

3.2.1 Any unpredictable conditions, such as currency fluctuations, currency regulations, duty changes, labor cost increases, incorrect data, or factory cost calculation, might cause a price increase.

3.2.2 Modifications to the amount, quality, specifications, and delivery of the customer-ordered product

3.2.3 The customer’s failure to provide the necessary information to TyresOnlineStore.com for seamless purchase processing.

3.3 Since 1 January 2018, the standard tax of Value Added Tax (VAT) has been implemented in the UAE. Due to the implementation of VAT, all goods and services provided to customers will be taxed at a standard rate of 5%. Whenever VAT is needed, products sold on TyresOnlineStore.com will be charged.

4. Terms of Payment

4.1 By any written communication between TyresOnlineStore.com and the customer, TyresOnlineStore.com is right to obtain full payment for the items and services on the same day that the order confirmation is received. TyresOnlineStore.com reserves the right to charge the customer’s credit/debit card for the full amount due for the items or services on the same day as order confirmation or later.

4.2 On the date of Order Confirmation, the client is responsible for making payment for the products and services. Even if the product has not been delivered, delivery is in progress, or the product has not been passed to the customer, TyresOnlineStore.com will be able to recover payment for the goods, products, and services. The payment deadline will be a critical aspect of the contract, and successful payment orders will be confirmed by electronic receipts.

4.3 If the customer fails to pay for the items and services by the due date and time specified in the purchase confirmation, or if the payment is denied by the issuer of the customer’s credit/debit card bank, TyresOnlineStore.com will have no choice but to:

4.3.1 Cancel the order and refuse delivery of the order to the consumer.

4.3.2 Select an appropriate payment method for the provision of products and services, or goods and services supplied under another transaction or contract between the customer and TyresOnlineStore.com, and

4.3.3 Has the right to charge the customer ‘Customer Fees’ on the unpaid amount for both before and after the modifications in the decision, at a rate of 2% per month (parts of the month are treated as whole months for calculation) until the full amount is paid to TyresOnlineStore.com.

5. Product and Service Delivery

5.1 According to the customer’s order confirmation, TyresOnlineStore.com will deliver the items or provide installation services to the customer’s address specified in the Order Confirmation, or to any other address proposed by the customer and accepted by TyresOnlineStore.com.

5.2 The delivery date or installation date of the products and services specified on the purchase confirmation are estimates and are not guaranteed, thus TyresOnlineStore.com is not liable for any delay in the delivery of the products or installation service, regardless of the cause. The product delivery date or installation service will not be of any significance to the contract unless and until TyresOnlineStore.com confirms it in writing.

5.3 If the customer fails to claim the product or if the information provided by the customer is inaccurate or insufficient to supply the product or services, TyresOnlineStore.com will have no choice but to:

5.3.1 Hold the products until all of the necessary information is obtained, then charge the consumer for storage; or

5.3.2 Sell the products inclusive of all charges, such as storage fees, selling expenditures, and any excess prices that the client would be responsible for as a result of the return.

5.3.3 Products will be returned to the manufacturer or supplier, with the cost of return charged to the customer’s account.

5.4 Any product returned to TyresOnlineStore.com or its authorized partners should be displayed as proof of the packing/delivery note, which must be signed and acknowledged. Only the evidence of delivery note will be accepted as proof of receipt.

6. Property and Risk Conditions

6.1 The risk of product damage or loss will be passed on to the consumer.

6.2 The customer will be notified about the products that are installed/fitted and ready for collection after a successful sale of product completion (concerning the terms and conditions of the tire installation agreement with TyresOnlineStore.com and third-party tire installation provider, if there is any agreement)

6.3 Any risk of passing the products or delivery or any other provision relating to these conditions shall not be passed to the customer until the customer has completed full payment (including all fees) for the products to TyresOnlineStore.com.

6.4 The customer will have no right to claim the title to products or security charges as a form of indebtedness from TyresOnlineStore.com, and if the customer does, the entire amount owed to TyresOnlineStore.com will be immediately due and payable without further notice, prejudice, or available option.

7. Return Terms and Conditions

7.1 The customer has the right to terminate the contract, return the products, and reject the services to receive a refund (or full credit) if the products are unused and in the same condition as when they were received by the customer upon returning to TyresOnlineStore.com. In such cases, the customer will be responsible for the costs.

7.2 TyresOnlineStore.com has total discretion over whether or not to reimburse the sum of products and services purchased by the customer. The refund is provided in principle, but if TyresOnlineStore.com incurs any costs in obtaining the return, those costs will be taken from the consumer.

8. Conditions of Liability

8.1 TyresOnlineStore.com is not responsible for any defective products caused by an error on the Customer Order form. TyresOnlineStore.com assumes no responsibility for product loss or erroneous information in a customer’s order.

8.2. TyresOnlineStore.com has no responsibility for product damage caused by normal wear and tear wilful damage, damage caused by failure to follow the usual instructions as described on TyresOnlineStore.com or unworkable situations.

8.3 Except as expressly stated in the terms and conditions, all warranties and other terms and conditions implied by legislation or common law are excluded to the fullest extent possible.

8.4 Any product defect claim or difference in product specifications exhibited on TyresOnlineStore.com relating to the items or services should be reported in writing to TyresOnlineStore.com within 48 hours of product delivery or service installation, or within 24 hours of discovering the issue.

8.5 If the customer does not notify TyresOnlineStore.com of the claim within the time frame specified in paragraph 8.4, the customer will be ineligible to cancel the order or refuse delivery of the product.

8.6 If a customer claim for product defects, product quality, or improper installation services is reported and found to be true, TyresOnlineStore.com is obligated to replace the product or arrange for another service free of charge or refund as per the terms and conditions, or charge for a specific proportion of services, fees, or charges as per the refund policy. TyresOnlineStore.com reserves the right to charge or reimburse for product returns at its sole discretion, with no liability to the customer or anyone else.

8.7 TyresOnlineStore.com will not be liable for any misrepresentation, implied warranty, other common law or contract terms for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential loss of products or services, or damage incurred during the supply of products, installation of services, or resale by the customer. In any situation, TyresOnlineStore.com’s obligation shall be limited to the cost of the goods or service, and will not exceed that amount unless otherwise specified in the terms.

8.8 If the products are unavailable or have not been delivered to the customer, TyresOnlineStore.com has the complete right and authority to cancel the order or issue a full refund for the products and services purchased.

8.9 Even if a breach of contract happens to owe to any reason in the delay of performance, failure to perform, relating to products or services, failure due to Force Majeure, or any other event beyond TyresOnlineStore.com’s control, TyresOnlineStore.com will not be accountable to the customer.

9. General Terms and Conditions

9.1 TyresOnlineStore.com will carry out all of the operations outlined in the terms and conditions either directly or through third-party agencies, or in collaboration with other people or entities as appropriate.

9.2 Any notice, query, or permission should be sent in writing to TyresOnlineStore.com by the party’s terms. TyresOnlineStore.com will additionally send a written communication to the party’s registration address or major business address, as applicable, at the time the notice is sent to the party receiving the notice.

9.3 The customer TyresOnlineStore.com will not regard any waiver for a breach of contract instead of any other waiver or later breach of the same or another term.

9.4 If any authorized or competent authority finds the conditions of the provisions to be unlawful or unenforceable, the complete or part of the requirements will be rendered ineffective.

9.5 The terms and conditions, as well as the contract, comprise the agreement between the customer and TyresOnlineStore.com about the sales and purchase of items, and they shall supersede all previous written or oral communication, as well as previous agreements. Customers should not depend solely on any communication or comments made by employees, representatives, or agents affiliated with TyresOnlineStore.com.

9.6 TyresOnlineStore.com reserves the right, if necessary, to assign the entire customer contract or a portion of the contract to a third-party business. Unless and until the client and TyresOnlineStore.com have agreed in writing, the customer should not assign any benefit or burden of the contract to TyresOnlineStore.com.

9.7 The law and jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates regulate the terms and conditions, and the client undertakes to be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the UAE.

9.8 Customers under the age of 18 or minors who visit or transact on the TyresOnlineStore.com website are not considered registered users.

9.9 TyresOnlineStore.com takes AED money from an online bank means such as credit and debit cards. The customer must keep track of the transaction receipt and adhere to the merchant account terms and restrictions.

9.10 TyresOnlineStore.com will not deal with or supply any items or services to OFAC sanctioned nations, as per UAE law.

9.11 TyresOnlineStore.com does not deliver tyres to customers’ homes; instead, the goods are sent to installers, whether they have a physical address or a mobile phone number. Only after the merchandise has been delivered to the installer’s address will the consumer be notified. TyresOnlineStore.com does not adhere to the declared policy of home delivery.

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